Welcome to San Diego! The city that rocks the arts! The art on this cup was created by an artist who is a 4th generation San Diegan (from a family of farmers when San Diego was just a rural town.) The symbolism on this cup is very significant. It not only captures the color and true essence of San Diego, but highlights certain landmarks and  features popular to the Southern California art culture.   

-The roll of the landscape/buildings represents the seismic movement always happening in San Diego. Click here to view the earth moving activity of Southern California! 

(Now looking from left to right.)

-The building with a house hanging off the corner is a dedication to one of many San Diego's great colleges UCSD. Click here to view the making and story of this wonderful creation! 

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- There are a myriad of famous cartoonist that lived in Southern California. Of the many, these two are very notable: Charles Shultz and Dr. Sues! Charles Shultz, (1922 -2000) probably the most world renowned cartoonist,  was awarded one of most prestigious artist inductions in 1997: the Comic-con Eisner Award [an Oscar for Cartoonist.] Theodore Sues Geisel {Dr. Sues}, was granted the 'Ink Pot" award, for his tremendous contribution to the arts and animation at San Diego Comic Con 1991. The presence and symbolism of these infamous artist & may others are celebrated at San Diego Comic Con International;  one of the worlds biggest and best comic and arts shows held every summer.

-Balboa Park is a true San Diego icon. Placed in reserve in 1835, the park's site is one of the oldest in the United States dedicated to public recreational use (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balboa_Park_(San_Diego) To learn more about the events at Balboa Park click here!

-Many famous bands once lived in San Diego. This symbolism is portrayed as a musician alone with a guitar and amp. To view the many famous music faces of San Diego, click here!

-The funny looking guy (perhaps the most punk'd steel piece on public display in the world) on a surfboard above a wave, is the 'Magic Carpet Ride' statue. Located in Cardiff ( a North Coastal region of San Diego county) there exist a figure of a person standing awkwardly on a surfboard. It's called by locals the Cardiff Kook and is often decorated in outlandish attire. To witness the Cardiff Kook click here and to see his abundant, ridiculous displays click here!


There are many more splendors of sights and sounds to enjoy in San Diego. These are just some of the most culturally ambivalent and iconic happenings in America's south west . What is art anyways? It's an expression that makes people think-